Help us support conservative values!
Help us support conservative values!
Religious Freedom
Protecting the Unborn
Right to Bear Arms
Education Freedom
Reducing Tax Burden
Economic Opportunity
If you are a conservative and vote in the Republican Party Primary, you ARE a member of the Republican Party and we need you!
You can serve in your local Republican Party.
Precinct Chair roles open in our county.
Would you consider volunteering to serve as a Precinct Chair in your area? If not you, do you know a strong Republican in your area who might?
Precinct Chairs are a very important part of our county party and it is our goal to have all precinct chair roles filled, as the grassroots organizer for our county party in their area, to help promote our conservative values. You can find more information on Precinct Chair duties by reading the Precinct Chair Handbook below.
Anyone who is interested in serving as a Precinct Chair may contact Rita Jordan, County Chairman, by email at gopkarnescounty@gmail.com or by calling (210) 844-0728.
If you have recently moved to Karnes County, if you just turned 18, or if you've never registered to vote, be sure to become a registered voter at your current address. You can check your voter registration and request a voter registration application at the link below.
Sign up to receive updates!
Rita Jordan, Karnes GOP Chairman
Mailing address: P. O. Box 641, Karnes City, Texas 78118
Email: gopkarnescounty@gmail.com (210) 844-0728
Karnes County GOP
Rita Jordan, Karnes County Republican Party Chairman
Email: gopkarnescounty@gmail.com
(210) 844-0728
Paid for by the Karnes County Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Copyright © 2022 Karnes County GOP - All Rights Reserved.